Sister Simone
of Londiniensium
March 20, 2004
The Passion According to St. Mel
Introduction to this truly fine mini-oratorio.
The Commandment - Quotes from Jesus' last words to his friends before his death.
Herod's Song - This is kind of like Annie's Song, only it's Herod's.
Remember Me - The words of the centurion and one of the thieves.
Followers of Me - Jesus' words, as remembered by Mel.
February 22, 2004
The session in which everything explodes.
Introduction to my enormous session.
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream - The soundtrack to a sci-fi porno. Sure, they exist. I think.
February 1, 2004
Not a regular session. The birthday of Nicholas Dobson, ICS founder, and Supreme Tiger of the Outer Arm.
Happy Birthday, Nicholas
January 19, 2004
This was a half-music, half-flash session. The Flash was done with Michael Wertz. The fabulous illustrations are all his. He is, in fact, amazing.
The History of the Wig Lodge- Flash Movie with Michael
There's Nothing Funny About Mental Illness (Mental Illness Is Not Funny)
Introduction to Second Song
I Want To Be Mariah Carey
First Session, December 2003
Since Sister Simone was conference calling in for this session, she recorded intros for all of her pieces. She has included all of these files, so that it looks like she wrote more than she did.
Introduction - Not music
Percussion - "Filler"
More Talking - Explanation for the prior track
Ode to the Christmas Sweater - Music
Yet More Talking - Not music
Incompetent Musician - Music
Even More Talking - Does she ever shut up?
Please Leave my House - Music
Last Bit of Talking - Not Music
Serious Piece of Music - Music